Monday, January 24, 2011

Violence in South Park

South Park is an animated comedy series aimed toward mature audiences. Throughout the seasons, South Park has displayed violence in many different aspects such as verbal, physical, weapons/guns, etc. The creators suggest that by adding crude and gruesome details to their show, it will be entertaining and humorous toward its audience. This blog is designed to show a small portion of the violence displayed throughout South Park, including clips from episodes and images. These examples include mature content such as profanity, gore, and weaponary.

Get Involved

Here is the link to the official South Park website Here you will be able to browse through various episodes from every season. This site also provides the latest news and descriptions on upcoming episodes and seasons. They provide registration on this page incase you have any questions or concerns for the series. Feel free to let the creators know what you think.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Multiple Suicide Attempts

This clip features a minor character attempting to commit suicide. However South Park adds violent humor to this scene. This clip includes visual violence such as the blood and bullet wounds, verbal violence such as the profanity, and gun violence.

Violent Jesus

Here is another clip displaying violence in the presence of Jesus. This time however; Jesus, who is known to be a merciful savior in Christianity, murders two Iraq soldiers in a gruesome nature.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Coon

Once again South Park displays physical violence as shown in this clip. Cartman uses lethal weapons to severely injure his 'friends.'

Monday, January 17, 2011

Kenny Dies, Again

Here is an image of one of the many deaths of Kenny. There is no need to analyze the visual violence displayed in this picture. Kyle is chainsawing through the head of Kenny while blood is falling down the face of the victim. South Park is known to display violent deaths to its characters, such as Kenny.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Kyle Kills Jesus

In Season 11 of South Park, the episode "Fantastic Easter Special" aired. Throughout this episode, the characters make a mockery of the Catholic religion. However, they manage to go beyond their boundaries by having a 9 year old boy murder Jesus Christ. Jesus is gruesomely murdered and displays grotesque images of gore and blood throughout this clip.

Male vs Female


In season 12 of South Park, the episode "Breast Cancer Show Ever" aired. This episode displayed male on female violence. In the clip provided, it shows Eric and Wendy, a male and female, in hand to hand combat. Cartman physically harms Wendy multiple times while Wendy violently attacks Eric to the point where he draws blood. Male on female violence is a serious form of violent entertainment and South Park displays this violence to attract an audience.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Violent Death of Justin Bieber

This is a clip from the Season 14 episode of South Park: Coon vs Coon and Friends. It features young celebrity Justin Bieber being murdered by a monster at the satisfaction of Cartman. Not only is their visual violence: Justin being squeezed until his head implodes, there is also violent dialogue in this clip.

Good Times With Weapons

Here is an image of a scene from the South Park Episode "Good Times With Weapons" in Season 8. It clearly shows one of the characters, Butters, severely wounded by a ninja star. This episode expresses violence throughout the entire run time. The under aged characters have access to dangerous weapons such as swords, daggers, and ninja stars. While playing with these weapons, Butters is accidentally hit with a thrown star which leads to him being critically wounded.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Oh My God! They Killed Kenny!

South Park is known for repeatedly 'killing' one of its main characters, Kenny. Throughout every season, Kenny is somehow violently killed while the other main characters, Stan and Kyle, say their famous line: "Oh My God, they Killed Kenny! You Bastard!." Kenny is 'killed' dozens of times throughout the series and what viewers do not realize is that every time the death of Kenny takes place, they are being exposed to animated violence. Though the killings of Kenny are animated, they still have an impact within the mindset of young viewers.

Mickey Gone Violent

This is a clip from Season 13 of South Park. It shows the Disney Cartoon character, Mickey Mouse, physically harming a cartoon version of Joe from the 'Jonas Brothers.' This clip includes visual violence: blood on the face of Joe and aggressive physical contact. It also displays verbal violence: Swearing and harmful threats. South Park was able to take an innocent cartoon character and mold it into a violent form of entertainment.